Monday, October 18, 2010

You're such a Poed

My office!

This building has been my savior many times. It is on the corner of the street my school is on. It is big, bright and you can't miss it. So if I'm on a new bus and have no idea where I'm going or where I am, just keeping a lookout for the winking face does the trick.

Still collecting bottle caps in China! And no...I did not drink all of these - my friends have figured out about my collection and help me when we go out

Everyday the entire school goes out and does warm up exercises in the morning. This is to wake them up so they are ready for another 12 hours of school.

This is the sight right outside of my school. The entire sidewalk from my school to the end of the street is being completely torn up. When I walk into Xili I literally have to climb over a short wall to be able to keep moving forward. Supposedly they are building a parent driveway to help with traffic flow.

I was so proud this night! Not only did I take a motorcycle taxi home but I said a complete Chinese sentence to the driver and he understood me. I said "Wo yao qu di er gao ji zhong xua" - I want to go to 2nd Senior High School (my school). Even better the ride was only 5 kuai and he had an umbrella overhang so the fact that it was raining didn't bother us.

Dongmen! Ben took us to this Italian restaurant that was to die for. It was decently cheap and had spaghetti, pizza and garlic bread!! In this picture you can see all of the lanterns up. They were strewn across the city for National Day. Also, you can see how much Ben looms over all the Chinese. He's 6'7" and stands out everywhere.

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