It's been about three years since I donned the vibrant blue bracelet saying "In Memory of JD Miller - Love the Life you Live". It wasn't with me everyday but the majority it sat there on my wrist to spread the message and life of a man who died too young from a sickness he couldn't beat. Then about 8 months ago my second bracelet, this a red one shouting out "Go China!", became a second symbol for another man who died when death was not necessary. Last year a student of mine gave me this red rubber trinket and at the beginning of this year he took his own life from the stress of life and feeling alone. So I wore him around on my wrist as well, helping his memory live on and reminding myself everyday to try my best not to let any other student feel that there is no other option.
This past Tuesday I was enjoying myself splashing around in the ocean when a large wave came and robbed me of JD's bracelet, pulling it right off my wrist. I tried in vain to find it but life wasn't going to let me be successful. As I searched through the waves and the shore I kept telling myself that the bracelet was just an object and that it was more JD's memory that was important, but I still felt moments of despair knowing that one of my most meaningful possessions had been lost. When I arrived home I looked down at my arm and knew I couldn't keep on wearing the red bracelet because it would always remind me of the blue one that had sat next to it. So after three years my arm is now free of the lost lives that had been there. I will still hold both of these man's memories close to my heart and listen to the message of both of their deaths to help the world be a better place in their name. But I think that maybe that wave was the world's way of telling me that I can't let their deaths weigh on my heart anymore and that instead of always remembering their passing that I need to focus on their lives and my own so that through their experience I can help others in need.